Ricardo Stuven
1 min readAug 30, 2021


I highly recommend this article by

that contains a very cool piece of information I didn't know at the time of writing my article: data URI support for tokenURI at marketplaces.


> Due to the size of the UniSwap team, they helped lobby platforms to fully support data URIs across the board (as it should’ve been from the beginning of the ERC721 standard).

> Let’s call tokenURI(): https://etherscan.io/address/0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88

> tokenId: 102626

> It’s all base64! The safest encoding. If you decode this, you’ll get the JSON for the metadata. You’ll then find that the “image” field is also SVG encoded into base64. If you decode that again, you get the sweet SVG at the end that turns into the image you see above! Great!

To your question "will these changes be reflected in OpenSea" the answer is yes, but you need to press the button "Refresh metadata" on the token page.

